Risk Disclosure Statement
Última actualización el 23 de agosto de 2021
Trading of goods and products, real or virtual, as well as virtual currencies involves significant risk. Prices can and do fluctuate on any given day. Due to such price fluctuations, you may increase or lose value in your assets at any given moment.
Cryptocurrency trading also has special risks not generally shared with official currencies or goods or commodities in a market. Unlike most currencies, the value of which is somewhat moderated by the government or other legal entities, or stands in raw materials, cryptocurrency value is based on the development of technology and trust in the market and its participants. Cryptocurrencies neither have a centralized issuer, nor an institution in control of their turnover. The value of cryptocurrency units is determined solely by the free-market mechanisms of supply and demand in exchange services, such as Alfacash Store.
Cryptocurrency trading is probably susceptible to irrational (or rational) bubbles or loss of confidence, which could collapse demand relative to supply. For example, confidence might collapse in cryptocurrencies because of unexpected changes imposed by the software developers or others, a government crackdown, the creation of superior competing alternative currencies, or a deflationary or inflationary spiral. Confidence might also collapse because of technical problems: if the anonymity of the system is compromised, if money is lost or stolen, or if hackers or governments can prevent any transactions from settling.
You should carefully assess whether your financial situation and tolerance for risk is suitable for buying, selling, or trading cryptocurrencies. We use our banking providers to receive client money and making payments. Our banking providers do not transfer cryptocurrencies or provide any crypto-related services.
Cryptocurrency transactions are irreversible, if you send cryptocurrency to a third party, you cannot reverse it or stop payment. When you send cryptocurrency to a blockchain address, you confirm ownership of this address and hold us harmless from any claims and actions. Please note that only owning a private key can prove your ownership of a bitcoin-address, but at the same time you cannot give away your private key since anybody with an access to it can spend your funds.
Please be careful of any kind of (1) technical support or impersonation scams (e.g. never give out your 2FA, never give support staff (or anyone else for that matter) remote access to your devices etc. (2) giveaway scams (any giveaways that we offer will direct you to our official websites) (3) investment scams (send cryptocurrency to trusted third parties only and be sceptical of websites or services promising unrealistic investment opportunities) (4) extortion scams (run a precautionary malware scan on your computer using a reputable tool) (5) loader scams (do not cooperate with fraudsters who use stolen credit cards on compromised accounts to perpetuate payment frauds) (6) Telegram scams (we have only one official Telegram channel, all others are fake) (7) physhing scams (always make sure that our official website domain name is written correctly). Please report any of abovementioned fraudulent practices to [email protected] or contact local enforcement authorities.
There may be additional risks that we have not foreseen or identified in our Terms of Use.